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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Digital Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Digital Skills cluster!

I am confident in my understanding of the basic principles of AI. (1/37)

I am familiar with various AI tools and platforms that can be used in educational settings. (2/37)

I can effectively integrate AI technologies into my lesson plans and classroom activities. (3/37)

I am knowledgeable about Generative AI and its applications in education. (4/37)

I feel comfortable using AI-driven tools to create personalized learning experiences for my learners. (5/37)

I regularly incorporate AI and Generative AI resources into my teaching practices. (6/37)

I understand the ethical considerations and implications of using AI in education. (7/37)

I can solve problems related to the use of AI tools in my classroom. (8/37)

I actively seek out professional development opportunities to enhance my AI skills. (9/37)

I collaborate with colleagues to share best practices and resources for using AI in education. (10/37)

I feel comfortable using Social Media (11/37)

I feel comfortable sharing information on Social Media (12/37)

I feel comfortable to validate whether the information is true (13/37)

It's easy for me to choose between different social networks (14/37)

I feel secure when sharing information on Social Media (15/37)

For me is important who shares the information on Social Media (16/37)

I feel stressed as I have to share information on Social Media (17/37)

I feel stressed knowing that what I share will be available for everyone (18/37)

I feel confident navigating various digital communication platforms and tools, such as email, social media, and video conferencing software (19/37)

I enjoy exploring different web pages (20/37)

I regularly search for information and select the truth on them (21/37)

I struggle with the difficulty in how to interact in virtual environments (22/37)

I thrive in environments that encourage the use of technology in supporting teaching (23/37)

I have a positive attitude as I try to solve technological problems (24/37)

I prefer working in a private network instead of working in collaborative (open) platforms (25/37)

I feel stressed as I have to constantly update myself on technology (26/37)

I often rely on others to solve technological issues that may occur in the classroom (27/37)

I feel uncomfortable in e-learning activities (28/37)

I feel confident using digital devices (29/37)

I feel confident using applications (30/37)

I feel comfortable choosing between different digital devices (31/37)

It's easy for me to select the application I should use (32/37)

I have a positive attitude as I try to solve problems related to digital devices (33/37)

I have a positive attitude when using digital applications (34/37)

I feel uncomfortable using digital devices (35/37)

I often rely on others to solve issues with digital devices or applications (36/37)

I feel uncomfortable using applications (37/37)

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