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Self-Assessment Tool

Cluster: Leadership Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Leadership Skills cluster!

I clearly communicate expectations to my students, including the purpose, scope, deadline, and criteria for tasks. (1/65)

I understand the strengths and weaknesses of the members of my class. (2/65)

I am feeling uncomfortable when someone is giving a feedback to my work. (3/65)

I try to match tasks to the right individuals to prevent overload. (4/65)

I clarify responsibilities and expectations for each student. (5/65)

I am using one communication channel to pass my messages. (6/65)

I empower my students by providing necessary support. (7/65)

I encourage students in problem-solving and learning from mistakes. (8/65)

I foster a culture of trust. (9/65)

I let the students complete the task without interfering. (10/65)

I take time to listen to concerns and problem of others. (11/65)

I usually end up bored when someone is telling me his or her problems. (12/65)

I am open to hear out the opinions of others, before reacting. (13/65)

I try to understand the cause of the problem patiently. (14/65)

I try to avoid situations in which I am expected to speak my opinion. (15/65)

I am usually good at reading the emotions of others. (16/65)

I am not shy to ask questions. (17/65)

I rely on my ability to listen carefully to others. (18/65)

I feel uncomfortable when I am unable to help. (19/65)

If I want to clarify a point, I use a story or an analogy to clarify it. (20/65)

I am very compassionate person. (21/65)

I try to clearly explain my goals or feelings while discussing issue with other person. (22/65)

I am learning a lot about new and different approaches for my professional work. (23/65)

I like to get to know diverse people. (24/65)

I find it difficult to find common ground with other people. (25/65)

I look for inspiring stories. (26/65)

I am often influenced by my prejudices. (27/65)

Sometimes I have trouble remembering the reasoning of others. (28/65)

I am happy to adapt my actions if the situation requires it. (29/65)

I think and plan my goals before I start work on them. (30/65)

I am usually taking time to appreciate what I achieved. (31/65)

Sometimes I am sad and struggling with no reason. (32/65)

I am confident person. (33/65)

I am usually writing down positives, but also challenges that may come to me when I'm leading. (34/65)

I set my goals, and I keep the track of the progress. (35/65)

Gratitude is my daily routine. (36/65)

I take time for my hobbies or a walk. (37/65)

I usually have a lack of resilience when I'm struggling with a problem. (38/65)

I am willing to share my life experiences with others. (39/65)

Usually, I feel overwhelmed by big burst of questions. (40/65)

I am able to motivate others to the best possible outcomes. (41/65)

When dealing with new situation, I am trying to find creative solution. (42/65)

I like to observe behaviours of others. (43/65)

I am good in preparing schedules and set task to complete. (44/65)

I am attentive when someone is speaking. (45/65)

I am good in giving advice. (46/65)

I am indifferent when someone is sharing his/her problem. (47/65)

I am respectful in all situations. (48/65)

I try to support an engagement in my students. (49/65)

I am able to find new possible solutions for problems. (50/65)

Usually, I try to win every argument. (51/65)

I'm poor at assessing my abilities. (52/65)

I am good at predicting the outcomes. (53/65)

I am focused while dealing with finding a solution. (54/65)

I find useful to take time to think before deciding. (55/65)

I am vague when it comes to my assignments to students. (56/65)

I am quite able to do my work without any advices from others. (57/65)

I hate when students ask questions. (58/65)

I usually care about evaluation of my class from students. (59/65)

I try to encourage students to ask questions. (60/65)

I have a problem to be honest with myself. (61/65)

When I come to class I just improvise. (62/65)

If I have an opportunity, I like to observe the work of other teachers. (63/65)

I like to reflect about my classes, how they went. (64/65)

I am constantly learning new things as professional. (65/65)

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